Course description
This course covers analytical and numerical methods for modeling physical and chemical processes with a focus on chemical and materials engineering applications. The major topics in this course will include solution of ordinary differential equations, boundary value problems, partial differential equations, parameter estimation and optimization.
Course Pre-Requisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes
- Compute the solution of initial and boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations describing the heat/mass transfer combined with chemical reaction.
- Solve analytically or numerically the basic partial differential equations arising in chemical and materials process design.
- Determine parameters in mathematical models using experimental data.
- Apply optimization techniques to obtain optimal design parameters.
Course Outline
In this course students will learn about: fitting experimental data to linear and non-linear equations; optimization techniques; analytical and numerical solutions to ordinary differential equations (ODE), applied to e.g. chemical reactors and heat and mass transfer problems; anlytical and numerical solution of partical differential equations (PDE) in typical to chemical engineering problesm.